P.O. 90 Box Rockton IL 61072 [email protected]


There are many ways you can donate to the Rockton Lions Club. The Rockton Lions Club Charities is a 501(c)3 charity, and many donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.

You can donate directly to the club by sending a check to : Rockton Lions Club Charities / P.O. Box 90 / Rockton IL 61072. You may also note on the check if there is a specific cause you’d like your donation to go towards: Scholarships, Wimpy’s, General Fund, Sight & Hearing Causes, etc.

You can also donate directly to the club on this website using a credit card:

You can shop online – and with no extra cost, you can choose Rockton Lions Club Charities as your charity of choice and a donation is made to the club. Why not bring some of those online dollars back home to our village?

Sign up for Smile.Amazon.Com and .5% of your purchase price is donated to our club quarterly.

You can also sign up for goodshop.com – through their goodshop and goodsearch you can earn donations for the Rockton Lions Club Charities each time you shop online and search online. Simply Choose our charity as and click through their website when you shop and a percentage of your purchase price is donated to the club. When you search using goodsearch.com as your search engine, we earn .01 for each search you make. It all adds up – and brings money back home to the Village of Rockton.